Tooth Extractions Sudbury

Tooth Extractions Sudbury

No one likes the idea of having teeth pulled. Not only does it sound unpleasant, but you can't help but worry about how your smile will look afterward. However, remember this: there is always a way to restore the appearance of your smile, but leaving a damaged tooth in your mouth can lead to permanent health repercussions. Here’s why some teeth simply cannot be saved, and when it could be safer to remove it and replace it instead.

Handling Damaged Teeth: Can They Be Saved?

Most people want to save their natural teeth if at all possible. When a tooth becomes damaged beyond the need for a simple filling, the options are:

  1. Remove it
  2. Try to save it with a root canal

Although a root canal is designed to sanitize and seal off the tooth from further infection, this outcome is not 100% guaranteed. Damaged teeth may experience recurring infections even after treatment, or they may retain inflammation that creates health risks for your mouth and your whole body.

Your dentist will advise you whether a root canal is likely to be successful. A tooth that is damaged beyond repair should be removed as soon as possible to protect your health. Even if you do receive a root canal, be on the lookout for recurring pain and signs of infection--root canals sometimes fail, and you'll need to be vigilant about taking further action if needed.

The Risks of Oral Infection

Recurrent oral infections can spread to other areas and lead to dangerous health problems. Studies show that oral infections are linked with an increased risk of various conditions, including:

  • Cardiovascular conditions, such as heart attack and atherosclerosis
  • Damage to facial nerves
  • Stroke
  • Osteoporosis
  • Immune conditions
  • Gastrointestinal conditions
  • Diabetes and diabetic complications
  • Fetal development problems, such as low birth weight

When there's an infection inside your mouth, bacteria have easy access to the inside of your body. This is why they can quickly spread to the heart, lungs, bone, stomach, blood vessels, and other structures. In addition to spreading bacteria, infection leads to general inflammation throughout the body that can increase your risk of many of the above conditions.

Because your body is always working to fight the infection, there's a constant strain on your immune system. This leaves fewer resources to fight other diseases, leaving you susceptible to additional health problems.

What to expect during tooth extraction?

We administer local anesthetic to numb the area around the tooth. Occasionally, we may need to break an impacted tooth into smaller pieces to minimize damage to the surrounding tissue before extraction. After we remove the tooth, we use stitches to seal the socket.

What you should tell your Dentist before tooth extraction procedure?

It's crucial to let your dentist know about any underlying medical issues or current prescription medications before having a tooth extracted. This includes any disorders affecting your immune system, liver, heart, or other pertinent organs. To ensure the surgery is successful, your dentist needs to understand your medical history.

Commonly asked question about tooth extractions

Can I go back to work after having an extraction?

It is advised that you take the day off following your extraction so that you can relax and heal. It could be challenging to work if there is swelling or you have trouble speaking. For 1-3 days following surgery, you should refrain from heavy lifting, bending over, and exercising.

Managing Pain After Tooth Extraction

For most patients, over-the-counter painkillers are sufficient. If you have a special case or have certain allergies, your dentist may prescribe medication. It is advised to take pain medication as soon as possible following the extraction, while you are still numbed, to support you while the local anaesthetic wears off. Avoid aspirin since it can thin the blood and stop blood from clotting.

How long will the discomfort persist following tooth removal?

Depending on the procedure and how quickly you heal, the amount of discomfort you experience may vary. After a few days, the pain should start to go away. If you find that your pain and discomfort increase after one week, you may be experiencing a dry socket and should immediately contact your dentist.

What can I eat or drink after tooth extraction?

It's best to stick to a liquid and soft food diet immediately after the tooth extraction procedure to ensure comfort. Most patients continue doing this for a few days following their therapy until the pain stops. Avoid using straws since the sucking motion can strain your stitches and result in fresh bleeding.

LaSalle Court Dentistry is experienced in performing tooth extractions and we try to make the procedure as comfortable and stress-free as possible.

If you are looking for a dentist in Sudbury for Tooth Extractions please call us at (705) 675-2900 or book an appointment online.